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pohon pinang bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pohon pinang"
  • You should at this time accept his embrace And allow him to put betel nut in your... mouth.
    Pada saat itulah kau harus... menerima pelukannya dan ijinkan dia meletakkan kacang pohon pinang di
  • They therefore considered the tree an evil tree and threw the torches they were carrying on that tree and shamed it.
    Ia kemudian melihat pohon Pinang (Jebug), maka ia bergegas menuju tempat pohon pinang dengan maksud akan mengambil buahnya.
  • They therefore considered the tree an evil tree and threw the torches they were carrying on that tree and shamed it.
    Ia kemudian melihat pohon Pinang (Jebug), maka ia bergegas menuju tempat pohon pinang dengan maksud akan mengambil buahnya.
  • Unlike arak, the word arrack has been considered by some experts to be derived from areca nut, a palm seed originating in India from the areca tree and used as the basis for many varieties of arrack.
    Tidak seperti "arak", kata "arrack" telah dianggap oleh para ahli berasal dari "areca", benih palem yang berasal dari India dari pohon pinang dan digunakan sebagai bahan dasar untuk banyak jenis arak.
  • Karampuang Island has been equipped with several supporting facilities. Visitors who want to linger on the island, they may use the cottages made of woven bamboo pole and tree nuts. Those classic cottages are laid out in the shade of trees so that the natural environment will be sensed more.
    Berbagai fasilitas umum sudah tersedia di Pulau Karampuang. Apabila Anda ingin menikmati suasana pulau ini lebih lama, disediakan juga pondok yang terbuat dari anyaman bambu dan bertiang pohon pinang. Pondok-pondok bernuansa klasik ini diletakkan di tengah pepohonan rindang sehingga akan suasana alami akan semakin kental terasa.